An Investigation on the barriers to the development of Mahabad tourism industry

Document Type : Research Article



Tourism as a an Activity that has shown the power of influence on the process of an equal and intellectual development on a worldwide scale in Modern times, has drawn the attention of a wide spectrum of politicians and political system programmers and executive managers from different countries and cities. In this research an Investigation on the barriers to the development of Mahabad tourism industry, ‍is studied . this research’s goal category is functional , its research method is analysis-descriptive ,and its data accumulation method is documentary-survey. For analyzing the available Data and information a questionnaire was edited and distributed in relation to several perspectives in relation to Tourism development and urbane Economics in Mahabad. The results indicate that Legal barriers, economical and skeletal ‍barriers ,natural and geographical barriers are three serious barriers to the Tourism development of Mahabad city . legal barriers ( bylaw and regulations) are the most important barriers that face the Tourism development ‍of Mahabad. Then skeletal barriers, natural and geographical , economical , educational and preparatory barrier, cultural barriers and lack of enough Tourism attractions , if put in order, are the most important obstacles to the development of tourism and urbane tourism attractions and accordingly to the urbane economics of Mahabad city .



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