Importance-Performance Analysis Sustainable Tourism Based on environmental, social and economic aspect

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Yazd University

2 M.S. of Business management, Yazd University


The negative aspects of development regardless of its sustainability, today a new conception in its various dimensions is discussed. One of the concepts of sustainable tourism.
The present study examines the impact of environmental, social and factors on sustainable tourism. In this respect, the theoretical background of the research, environmental and social components of tourism were identified and analyzed. This study was descriptive in nature and is an applied research. Survey and questionnaire has been used to collect data while Yazd tourists and tourism experts were the sample population of this study. Over this research, statistical analyses software and Importance-Performance Analysis matrix have been employed to analyze data. The result of research shows that there is a slight differentiate between tourist and tourism expert view about social factors, while environmental factors were assessed more important from the perspective of experts


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