Strategic Planning of Tourism Development Baneh City

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor in Geography and Urban planning , University of Tehran

2 Masters in Geography and Urban planning, University of Tehran

3 Masters in Geography and Urban planning, University of Tabriz

4 Masters in Geography and Urban planning, University of Zanjan


Tourism is an important factor in regional development. It is a profitable activity that turnovers currency and causes economic and social development in a region. Tourism development based on a proper tourism planning has always been an important factor to alleviate poverty and unemployment and improves quality of life. This study tries to identify both natural and man-made tourism potentials in​​ Baneh County and to determine strategies for tourism development in the county in a national and international level. Method was based on objective, functional and based on nature is descriptive - analytical. Method of data collection as well as documentary and field techniques using a questionnaire that Thus, data from three group's statistical population (officials and elites) were collected. Also, for analysis internal and external factors affecting on city and formulate of development strategies, SWOT and prioritize strategies for combinatorial model ANP-SWOT and software Super Decision used. Based on the results, "Emphasis on the development of tourism shopping- commercial because 1) the special trade status of Baneh in the North West 2) having a cross-border markets 3) Capable the city to develop this type of tourism in order to increase the number of tourists motivated business trip and Purchase" With the highest score (SO1: 0/357) as the best strategy and the main strategy of tourism development in Baneh city was determined. The strategy of "planning in order to attract foreign tourists from Iraqi Kurdistan due to the the large volume passenger traffic between the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran and the use of commercial chances occurred in Iraqi Kurdistan" by (SO2: 0/336) was chosen as an alternative strategy.



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