Factors affecting the choice of Mashhad as objective medical tourism

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate prof, Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,

2 PhD candidates of Geography and Urban Planning, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University


Medical tourism is quite new. This type of tourism is associated with medical intervention and expected results of such a fundamental and long-term trips. Medical tourism is a global industry with a wide range of stakeholders, including brokers, health care providers, insurance and developer website. In this paper, the factors affecting the choice of Mashhad metropolis from a medical tourist treatment is considered. The methodology of this study, in terms of purpose is applied, in terms of functional is descriptive-analytic and data collection and analysis of information, as well as a library and a descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (factor analysis and one sample T-test) there have been. The population of the investigation, including tourists in the city of Mashhad, according to estimates in 2014 is 13,000. The sample of sample number 80, respectively. Based on data from surveys of medical tourists, the factors influencing the selection of Mashhad for treatment, the highest impact factor of 16.9 percent statistic to ease access to the city of Mashhad and the quality of health care provided in hospitals and health centers with value 16.3 percent and 10.9 percent allocated ultimately to stay fit statistic. Also based on one sample T-test showed a significant difference between the mean and median of 3 in Mashhad comments from the perspective of tourists that show a significant impact of these factors on the selection of this city for treatment. Thus, according to the findings of ease of access, quality of care and appropriate facilities in Mashhad most effective choice for the treatment of medical tourists in the city have, thus, the research hypothesis is confirmed. According to the results, solutions including construction companies, medical tourism services, information about medical tourism through mass media (TV, satellite, Internet, etc.), preparation of various programs, addressing issues related to medical tourism, satellite propaganda in order to identify the potential of medical tourism, create Web sites for patient access to information related to medical tourism, coordination between agencies responsible for the medical tourism and etc. have been proposed.


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