Evaluation and ranking of websites five-star hotel in Mashhad using similar methodology to ideal solution of fuzzy

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty member of Isfahan University

2 Faculty member of Mashhad Jihad University

3 Mashhad Ferdowsi University


Development ICT in providing great changes and how the interaction between people and service providers in today's world has created. Providing comprehensive information services in cyberspace, a large role in the selection of hotels as most tourists will Accommodation destinations. This purpose, we review the sources and records in connection with the investigation, to identify and collect 51 different indicators to assess Hotels website has been investigated from various sources. This study aimed evaluate and rankings websites has five-star hotels in Mashhad. Then, using fuzzy similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS Fuzzy) and based on expert opinions to rank websites has been a hotel. According to taking opinions of experts, five-star hotels Mashhad websites based on fuzzy scales were compared and scored. The assessment of functional performance (25 indicators), Performance Usability (26 indicators), and the total yield (51 indicators) have been conducted. Hotels and Accommodation is one of the most important services in relation to tourist destinations. In this regard, the performance of hotel websites as a competitive advantage in attracting tourists is introduced. In this study, a comprehensive assessment of this index in terms of the functional performance (efficiency) and performance, usability, provide a comprehensive framework was developed to evaluate the hotel's website. The results showed that the Mashhad on hotels five star hotels in terms of performance, functionality, performance, usability, and performance are all different. For example, Pars Hotel, although in terms of performance, usability has been in third place, but in terms of functional performance is ranked in the bottom And this has led the total performance evaluation, this hotel should be ranked last. In addition to improving the defects mentioned in the dimensions of usability of websites for hotels that are proposed to be given content analysis of each websites. The sites to optimize websites for hotels (Web Site Optimization: Maximum Website Performance) by research groups exist that can be used to experience the greatest emphasis on core issues such as site speed analysis, search engine marketing and the use of keywords the content of the website which should be of most interest to managers.
in this


  1. 1.دهقان، علیرضا، 1387، تجربة گردشگری در فضای واقعی و مجازی، فصلنامة تحقیقات فرهنگی، سال اول، شمارۀ 4، صص 1- 19.

    2.عطائی، محمد، 1389، تصمیم‌گیری چندمعیارة فازی، انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتی شاهرود، شاهرود.


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