Security role in the development of foreign tourism (Case Study: Yazd foreign tourists)

Document Type : Research Article



Security and tourism, the parameters of an equation that are directly and closely related to each other. Basically, the safety does not hold, the trip was not speaking of tourism, will be in vain. Security as the most important factor in tourism development strategies It results in the world. In this study, tourism security in the autumn and winter of 1391 from the perspective of tourists who had traveled to Iran, Yazd was measured. The purpose of this study was to understand the sense of safety of tourists in Iran. The research was descriptive - analytical and data collection in the form of library studies and field research (observation, questionnaires and interviews) is. The population of foreign tourists in Yazd, random sampling method and sample size of 150 was calculated using the Cochrane approach.and their propaganda was confirmed.and gives tourists a sense of insecurity because they feel they virgin atmosphere of safety and the police. No significant relationship between safety and high tax incentive travel to Iran again there was that tourists feel safer My‌Krdnd were more willing to visit Iran again. Given that tourism is two-way communication as well as its role in the dissemination of facts confirmed at the global levelsituation and 55% of the security situation in Iran's tourism My‌Danstnd bad. The cynicism and lack of true understanding of the role of the Western tourists Analysis and quantitative data using statistical models were spss software environment. The results indicated that before entering Iranian tourists had no true understanding of the security situation and 55% of the security situation in Iran's tourism My‌Danstnd bad. The cynicism and lack of true understanding of the role of the Western media and their propaganda was confirmed.and gives tourists a sense of insecurity because they feel they virgin atmosphere of safety and the police. No significant relationship between safety and high tax incentive travel to Iran again there was that tourists feel safer My‌Krdnd were more willing to visit Iran again. Given that tourism is two-way communication as well as its role in the dissemination of facts confirmed at the global level


  1. منابع

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