Prioritizing the Revival Strategies of the Historical Context of Maragheh City with an Emphasis on the Culture-Based Recreation Approach

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Urban Geography, University of Tabriz

2 Graduate Student of Geography and Urban Planning Tabriz University

3 MSc of Urban Planning,


Historical centers of Iranian cities are the most important tourist attractions of these cities, and the ways of differentiating and the unique spatial, historical, and cultural characteristics of each city should be sought in its historical, physical, and seminal context. Urban system has many problems in historical textures, which are one of the most valuable and identifiable elements in cities. Therefore, urban management needs to identify and explain urban system issues, and since implementation of any plan, first requires identification of shortnesses and facilities, and the determination of goals, strategies and policies. This paper is to develop strategies and policies for rivival through recognizing the opportunities and threats in the historical context with the culture-based rehabilitation approach. Therefore, after introducing Maragheh central-historical boundary, the main components of the revival of the city’s historical spaces are evaluated in the Swat matrix within the historical context. Then, given that all strategies are not equally capable of operating, strategies are based on the principles and criteria of strategic management, prioritized in a questionnaire survey of authorities and urban experts using the electre method. Therefore, the strategies are as follows: 1. The conversion of monuments to the places for tourists (hotels, restaurants, and museums); 2. The shift in the combination of activities and the replacement of tourism and catering activities; 3. The organization of market activities and restructuring the markets which have the first priority to revive historical texture.


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