The influential factors on destination loyalty with tourists satisfaction as the mediating factor (Case study: Kashan)

Document Type : Research Article


tourism management department. tourism faculty. semnan university


Due to increasing competition in tourism markets, destination management organizations are using branding in order to create a unique identity for their destination and tourism services and subsequently improve their positions in global markets. According to new tourism marketing approaches, tourist׳s satisfaction from a certain destination is necessary but not enough. Tourist satisfaction is useful provided that it results to tourist׳ loyalty to that fact it is loyalty that generates long lasting benefits and competitive advantages in tourism market plea. Destination loyalty is one of the key concepts of destination branding in tourism marketing context. Destination loyalty is one of the key and very important challenges of tourism marketing. In fact, tourist satisfaction - which is necessary for the prosperity of tourism industry - creates long-term benefits provided that it results to tourists' loyalty to the destination. Tourist loyalty means that the tourist decides to revisit the destination and recommend it to others.
This study was aimed to investigate the influential factors on destination loyalty based on brand theory and with the mediating effect of tourist satisfaction. To this end, 300 questionnaires were distributed among tourists in Kashan and 274 questionnaires were gathered. Kashan is one of the main tourism destinations in Iran. Although it is not a very large city, but it has many beautiful attractions and every year many Iranian and non-Iranian tourists visit Kashan in different seasons. The data was analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques using SPSS and LISREL. Confirming the results of previous studies, the structural equation modeling results revealed that destination image(including different dimensions such as the quality of travel experience, attractions, infrastructure, superstructure, entertainment and culture) is a key determinant of destination brand, having positive significant effects on destination personality and destination satisfaction. The positive relationship between tourist satisfaction from destination and his or her loyalty to that destination was also confirmed. These results confirmed the previous domestic and oversea studies regarding the relationship between destination image and satisfaction. Nevertheless, the influence of personality on satisfaction was not confirmed. In fact, in the sample studied, participants didn’t show a significant relationship between destination personality and destination satisfaction. It is suggested to destination management organizations to implement necessary actions in order to improve destination image so as to increase tourists' satisfaction and achieve long- term advantages such as a more sustainable, competitive destination.


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