Title: Prioritization and categorization of tourist attractions based on tourists preferences with co-plot multivariate analysis (Case study: Yazd city)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Cities with different tourists have abundant attractive Historical, cultural, recreational. In cities, some attractive sites often attract a lot of number of tourists. Identify these places and prioritize them and categorize them based on the preferential behavior of tourists It is essential for manage tourism development. So, studies on the behavioral preferences of tourists from absorbing places are part of the spatial planning process of cities, which has recently been considered by researchers of behavior-space geographers, because of the Nature of behavioral-spatial them .for this reason. in this article. Relying on the various indicators of the behavior of tourists Prioritizing and categorizing tourist attractions in Yazd do Based on the preferences of the tourists did. Statistical data was collected by field method and questionnaire according to the annual statistical community of tourists in Yazd especially in the last three years of the 360 samples studied with a Likert Score. In the findings section of the research: first, the social and demographic characteristics of tourists in Yazd city have been studied. In the next step, by accepting three research indicators: the amount of tourists visiting the attraction, the number of tourists visiting the attraction and the length of time tourists stayed to enjoy the attraction. due to the influence of different behavioral indicators of tourists in identifying their preferences,to obtain the final weights prioritizing and categorizing tourist attractions; has been used Multi-variable co-plot analysis method. and ultimately by combining the final weights obtained from the co-plot model with GIS. the spatial pattern of the distribution of Preferred item attractions shown in the map of Yazd. The results of this study showed that tourists from Yazd include people of different ages and high income who have chosen Yazd to visit their destination in order to explore the cultural heritage of the region, and the attractions of this area are preferable. The tourists mostly include Historic-cultural attractions such as Amir-Chakhmaq complex, Alexander's prison complex, Dolat Abad Gardens, etc. In terms of spatial distribution, these attractions are concentrated in the center of Yazd.


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