Tourism is a reflection of the modern urban living world

Document Type : Article extracted From phd dissertation


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Sociology of Economics and Development, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In recent decades, the fundamental assumption of tourism as a phenomenon in urban life and the result of modern order has grown dramatically. In this article, we try to look at tourism in the mirror of the basic concepts and the embedding of social thought using the method of documentary research. The findings of this study show that tourism can only be explained in the light of the modernity system and its positive and negative births or its dark and light aspects in the lives of urban dwellers. On the one hand, the social birth of tourism is the attraction of modernity; therefore, the emergence of tourists with the rise of modernity and its manifestations such as holidays, urban lifestyle based on separation of work from leisure, globalization, Eros satisfaction by urban regulatory bodies, consumption, satisfaction of curiosity in outer space The city and exoticism coincide; on the other hand, tourism is understood as an escape from the alienation of modernity, liberation from the logic of logos, urban bio-enchantment, and the discovery of originality and originality in the non-urban world.


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