Strategies for the Development of Religious Tourism Based on the SOAR Approach (Case Study: Shrine of the Prophet Bibi Hakimeh)

Document Type : Research Article


1 M.A of Handicrafts, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 PhD Student in Art Research, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Art Research, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Today, the tourism industry, especially in the field of religious and cultural tourism, plays a decisive role in the development of the country. There are also many capabilities in Iran for cultural tourism, especially religious-artistic tourism, which generally uses the use of religious and artistic elements to attract audiences. Also, the issue of pilgrimage in Islamic culture and civilization is strong in linking Muslim thought and belief. Therefore, the necessity of identifying strategies and strategies influencing the development of religious tourism is unavoidable. Accordingly, the present study is conducted using a descriptive-analytical and survey method with the aim of identifying effective strategies for the development of religious tourism in the Bibi Hakimeh holy shrine and prioritizing them according to their importance. To this end, a researcher-made questionnaire was developed that interpreted its data to identify the most important strengths, opportunities, and ideals and ultimately the main strategies. In this regard, the views of experts and experts have been used. To this end, a comprehensive strategy formulation framework based on the SOAR model has been used. Then, the results of this model were evaluated and judged according to experts' opinions and SWARA method. The results of this study showed that the strategies for increasing the restaurants and catering centers and organizing ritual ceremonies in the shrine were selected as the best strategy for the study area. Finally, according to the results, the strategies and measures necessary to use the strengths and opportunities of religious tourism in the holy shrine of Bibi Hakimeh have been expressed in the province for the development of religious tourism in the province.


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