Presenting the model of religious tourism Stakeholders in Mashhad

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Today different approaches are proposed and used for solving the current issues and problems in cities, some of which are livability, smart city, ideal city, resilient city, child-friendly city, age-friendly city, city of learning, creative city and secure city. Multiple factors affect the livability of a place, of which can note the presence of people, mixed use, housing, safety and security, sense of belonging, efficiency and the environment. The crime rate (real) and fear of crime (perceived) has a causal relationship with many of health and wellbeing outcomes. The main goal of this research is the analysis of urban livability with emphasis on security and stability indicator in Mashhad metropolis. The research method of this research is practical in terms of goal, and is descriptive – analytical in terms of methodology. By using the GIS Software, maps related to the status of each of objective sub-indicators based on the limits of Mashhad metropolis's zones were drawn. For mental indicator, which includes 7 questions, questionnaire was used for a sample size of 402 persons in all zones of Mashhad. The results of this research show the zone 11 of Mashhad metropolis is the best zone in terms of security and stability indicator, followed by zones 10 and 9, respectively. By contrast, zones 3, 4 and 6 had the worst conditions in terms of environmental indicator, respectively. Zones 11, 10 and 9 were at ideal level. About 40 % of Mashhad's zones are at security and stability critical level with respect to the urban livability.


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