Document Type : Research Article
M.A. Tourism Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
The strength of the brand of a tourist destination as well as ecotourism accommodations are strengthened and weakened depending on the special value of the brand. Considering the significant effect that the brand value of a resort has on its development, this research aims to investigate the structural relationship between the satisfaction of the tourists of Atashoni Ecotourism Resort and the brand value of this resort. The upcoming research is applied in terms of purpose and analytical in terms of descriptive method; Information was collected in the library and field based on a questionnaire tool and the collected data were analyzed in SPSS25 and AMOS24 software. According to the findings of this research, the effect of fulfilling the functional and basic needs of the tourists of Atashoni ecotourism accommodation on the brand awareness of this accommodation and the effect of fulfilling the functional needs on loyalty, perceived quality, and loyalty to the accommodation brand, the effect of fulfilling the basic needs on loyalty, perceived quality and The brand image of the accommodation and the effect of meeting the motivational needs on loyalty, awareness, perceived quality and the brand image of the Atashoni ecotourism accommodation are confirmed. The results showed that the strongest known relationship in the research model is related to the effect of functional, basic, and emotional needs on the loyalty of tourists of Atashoni ecotourism accommodation with a factor load of 0.91, 88, and 84, respectively; The mentioned figures indicate a very strong relationship and show that the managers of this residence should prioritize providing the functional, basic and emotional needs of tourists; Finally, according to the findings of the research, suggestions were presented to improve the performance of the residence under study.
Extended Abstract
Although eco lodge has good branding potential, less effort has been made to brand them, and less research has been done in the field of research. In Iran, ecolodge has faced rapid growth, but the situation is qualitatively different. Fewer ecolodges have pursued their qualitative development seriously. One of the ecolodges that effectively follows the path of development and attracts domestic and foreign ecotourists in the form of a branded ecolodge, is Atshouni ecolodge, which is the oldest among ecotourism resorts in Iran. Accepting the assumption that the development of ecolodge brings with it the development of tourism, the sustainable development of the destination, and the pursuit of the local community's interests, the need to address it becomes clear. In this regard, the present study seeks to examine the impact of Atshouni tourists' satisfaction on brand equity based on the need to strengthen the brand of well-known ecolodge and the significant impact that tourist satisfaction has on the development and stability of eco lodge. The research hypotheses are:
-Functional needs have a significant effect on the brand loyalty of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Functional needs have a significant effect on the brand awareness of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Functional needs have a significant impact on the brand quality of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Functional needs have a significant effect on the brand image of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Basic needs have a significant effect on the brand loyalty of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Basic needs have a significant effect on the brand awareness of Atashouni eco lodge
-Basic needs have a significant impact on the brand quality of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Basic needs have a significant effect on the brand image of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Motivational needs have a significant effect on brand loyalty of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Motivational needs have a significant effect on the brand awareness of Atashouni eco lodge;
-Motivational needs have a significant effect on the brand quality of Atashouni eco lodge
-Motivational needs have a significant effect on the brand image of Atashouni eco lodge.
The present research is practical and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and nature, respectively. Data collection was library and field, and the indicators used in the survey stage were taken from the Konknik brand equity and Kano satisfaction models. The statistical population of the present study was the tourists of Atashouni ecolodge, and a statistical sample of 250 items was selected. The reliability of the research instrument has been confirmed to the desired level by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and experts have confirmed its validity. Analysis of research data after coding was performed in SPSS and AMOS software programs.
Results and discussion
Since the CR obtained for Hypotheses 2 and 6 is more than 1.96 and the P-value is acceptable, the impact of tourist satisfaction in terms of functional and basic needs on the brand awareness was not confirmed. Other research hypotheses were confirmed as follows:
-The impact of functional needs of tourists on brand loyalty of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of functional needs on the brand quality of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of functional needs on the brand image of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of basic needs on the brand loyalty of eco lodge of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of basic needs on the brand awareness of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of basic needs on the brand quality of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of basic needs on the brand image of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of motivational needs on the brand loyalty of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of motivational needs of tourists on brand awareness of Atashouni eco lodge;
-The impact of motivational needs on the brand quality of Atashouni eco lodge; and
-The impact of motivational needs of tourists on the brand image of Atashouni eco lodge.
In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate the impact of tourism satisfaction components on the main dimensions of the brand equity of Atashouni eco lodge. The results showed that the strongest relationship known in the research model is related to the impact of functional, basic, and emotional needs on loyalty of tourists to Atashouni eco lodge. The findings indicated a strong relationship, which accommodation managers should prioritize meeting tourists'