Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Accommodations in Yazd city

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Geography, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran



Accommodations are the most important representatives of tourism in cities,and their location greatly affects a tourist's choice. In studying the geographical distribution of accommodations as a spatial phenomenon, attention should be paid to their spatial characteristics. Spatial modeling is a suitable statistical approach to studying the patterns and distribution of accommodation. In this research, spatial variable relationships between the spatial distribution of accommodations and the factors that affect them in Yazd city have been investigated. In terms of purpose, the research is practical and based on spatial data analysis methods. The research data includes the number and geographical location of accommodations and explanatory variables, including land use, road network, attractions, and population. Using exploratory analysis methods, the spatial patterns were identified, and then, using global Poisson regression (GPR) and geographically weighted Poisson regression (GWPR), the effective factors in forming patterns were analyzed. The results of the ANN index test show that the spatial pattern is clustered. Also, the findings showed that attractions, road networks, green spaces, taxi and bus stations, commercial centers, governmental and non-governmental offices, and residential areas were among the most important effective factors. The GWPR model performs better in estimating the effects of independent variables, and the effect of independent variables is not the same in different spatial units. Urban and tourism planners can provide plans for the development and optimization of tourism in Yazd city according to the spatial pattern of accommodations and the factors that affect their spatial distribution
Extended Abstract
 Facilities and equipment related to tourism services play an important role in attracting domestic and foreign tourists. Accommodations are very important as the daily origin and destination of tourists in the city. Meanwhile, urban accommodations play a central role among the accommodation centers of the tourism sector, and how they are distributed can significantly impact the provision of services and the attraction of tourism. Since it is almost impossible to move accommodation again, selecting the correct location for a new accommodation is very important. In tourism, selecting a destination mainly relies on effective strategies to attract tourists and promote success amid fierce competition. The location of the accommodation can significantly influence the decision and choice of a tourist to stay. Therefore, the selection of accommodation location and the related determinants require deep analysis. In this research, this problem has been tested to what extent factors such as land area, green space use, administrative and institutional use, residential use, commercial use, taxi and bus station density, attraction density, population density, and road network density, the ability to explain the spatial pattern of tourist accommodations in Yazd city. In this research, spatial distribution models of accommodations in Yazd city are discovered and investigated by examining the spatial variations of dependent and independent variables using geographic weighted regression (GWR) models, as well as spatially diverse relationships between determining factors that are of high importance. This research aims not to search for public relations but to investigate the spatial variable relationships between the spatial distribution of accommodations and a set of factors in Yazd.
In terms of purpose, the research is applied using the exploratory-causal method. The statistical population of the research is all city blocks in Yazd city.
According to the nature and data type, a 500 x 500 meters grid was created. This gridding type is a conventional method for aggregating data and avoiding modifiable areal units problems(MAUP).  Research data based on independent and dependent variables include the number and location of accommodations in Yazd city and explanatory variables compiled based on the latest data in Yazd Municipality. Then, a spatial database was created using ArcGIS software.
The independent variables are 1) land-use; a) institutional and administrative, b) commercial, c) residential and d) green space 2) road network 3) attractions; 4) Population.
The methodology of this research is based on spatial analysis methods as:
1) Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA);
2) Spatial Data Analysis (CSDA).
Global Poisson regression (GPR) and geographically weighted Poisson (GWPR) are used to model the spatial pattern of accommodations in Yazd.
Results and discussion
The results of the analysis show that the percentage of residential use, the variables of population density, and the density of bus and taxi stations have a positive and significant relationship with the distribution of accommodations. This means that with the increase of these variables, the distribution patterns of accommodations move towards concentration and clustering. In addition, the variables of percentage of institutional and administrative use, percentage of commercial use, percentage of green space use, density of road network, and density of tourist attractions have no significant relationship with the distribution of accommodations. These results show that factors such as the use of buildings, green spaces, and road network density do not affect the distribution of accommodations and do not play an important role in determining the spatial pattern of accommodations in Yazd city. However, based on the results of local regression, the mentioned relationships are not true in all regions. However, they vary from one region to another, as well as the intensity of the coefficients and their direction variation.
In this research, the complex relationships between spatial determinants and the distribution of accommodations in the urban environment of Yazd were discussed. Based on the average test results of the nearest neighbor, the distribution of accommodations in Yazd is clustered. This clustering pattern of accommodations can depend on tourist attractions, proper accessibility to urban services, land price, population density, etc. Considering this cluster distribution of accommodations in Yazd, it can be assumed that proper planning for organizing tourism services and managing demand in this city, considering each cluster separately, may significantly improve travelers' experience and promote the tourism industry.  The findings of this research have important policy implications for urban management. Understanding the spatial determinants in selecting the location of accommodations can impact strategic decisions for land use planning, zoning regulations, and infrastructure development. For future research in this field, it is suggested that specific determinants, such as environmental factors and emerging technologies, be dealt with more deeply when selecting the location of accommodations. In addition, comparative studies in other cities can provide valuable insight into the generalizability of the findings.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


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