Evaluating the sustainability of tourism development from the perspective of the local community(Case Study: The City of Tabriz)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Dept. of Geographical Research, University of Tabriz.

2 M. A. Student in Geography and Tourism Planning, University of Tabriz.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sustainability of tourism development in Tabriz city. The present article was descriptive, analytical and data collection was conducted through literature studies and field observations (questionnaires). The population consisted of 400 residents of Tabriz in 1393. To determine the sample size and sampling techniques are used Cochran method and simple random sampling method and to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the validity of the content (opinions of urban and tourism-related professors and experts) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used. From questionnaires completed by tourists as well as AMOS software factors were extracted the needs of the people and coordinate measures with sustainable development. To assess and evaluate the criteria for sustainable tourism operations, was used the second order factor analysis. The results show that all considered indicators have a positive and significant relationship with the second order structure, namely the sustainability of tourism in Tabriz and the “Hygiene & Health" by a standard factor of 1.003 has the greatest influence on sustainable tourism.


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