Ranking the urban tourism infrastructure with the use of Copra’s technique. Case study: Zanjan province

Document Type : Research Article


1 univercity shaheid bahonar- kerman

2 Assistant professor Geography and Rural planning, University of Shaeid Bahonar Kerman

3 phd,student

4 M.A, Student


today tourism is one of hope Bkhsh activities as a development pathway called. In this regard, according to the features, facilities, services and capabilities that are needed for urban tourists, it is necessary to provide for proper planning it can be applied to a greater number of tourists attracted. The harmony between the number of tourists and tourism areas, especially infrastructure capacity must be considered. The criteria for determining the center of tourist areas and determine the infrastructure requirements and is adjusted for inequalities between regions. The goal of this study, ranking the city of the province of sub-structures of tourism. Methodology This study is based on a "descriptive analytical" approach of the space research, applied. In this regard, Zanjan city eijruod (0.417) khodabndeh (.326) are the least infrastructure for tourism. The city of Mahneshan (.287) and Tarom (.245) despite the considerable tourist attractions, but at least Habrkhvrdarnd infrastructure. In the city of Zanjan (0.061), Khoramdeh (.155) and Abhar (0.235) in terms of tourism infrastructure and favorable conditions are favorable for tourism. The province ranks first in the ranking of tourism infrastructure to third account. Over the past half-century tourism has taken a large scale and every year the number of passengers that travel with different motivations, added. According to the World Tourism Organization estimates, nearly 25 million people of tourists in the world in 1950 and in 2000 was about 700 million, the figure in 2020 to about 1.6 billion. These figures represent growth of 7 percent in a 50-year period (2000-1950) is. Thus, according to statistics and reports can be said, the tourism industry has become the largest and most profitable industry in the global dimension, so that 11 percent of the gross domestic product, 10 percent of employment, 5% of exports and 5% the global investment is allocated. So today tourism is one of hope Bkhshtryn activities as a development pathway called. this regard, according to the features, facilities, services and capabilities that are needed for urban tourists, it is necessary to provide for proper planning it can be applied to a greater number of tourists attracted.


  1. منابع

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