Examination of the Reasons for the Slight Tendency of Tourists to Survive in Rasht

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor of Management Department of Guilan University

2 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Guilan University


Urban tourism formation is a spatial pattern that has different outcomes in cities. One of the most important issues in the increasing tendency to cities, is the increase of tourists and the duration of their stay in cities, as well as efforts to provide appropriate environmental and human conditions; therefore, the tourists’ willingness to remain more, is an important index in assessing the cities’ capacity to properly utilize the tourism benefits. In this research, Rasht has been chosen as one of the country’s tourist destinations for many years as a case study. Since it seems that one of the main problems in this city’s tourism is the tourists’ short stay, in this study, using the qualitative method, the reasons for the tourists’ low tendency to stay in this city are studied based on basic theory. Based on targeted sampling, 43 tourists, experts and citizens were selected as samples. The techniques used to collect the data and information were focused on semi-structured interviews and field observations, and interviews continued until the theoretical saturation stage was over. Based on the basic theory, the data were analyzed in three stages of coding, and extraction of seven nuclear categories including advertising, quality of residential centers, costs, management and planning, creating attractions, cultural heritage and access to places were some results


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