Investigating the Effect of Social Dimensions of Urban Resilience on Sustainable Tourism Development Case Study: Mahmudabad City

Document Type : Article extracted From phd dissertation


1 PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Noor Branch of Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Noor Branch, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Noor Branch, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran,

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Noor Branch, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran


Extended Abstract
The city of Mahmoudabad, as one of the tourist destinations in northern Iran, has become very important due to its coastal and special tourist location. In recent years, the reason for the physical development of the city is due to the role and function of tourism in this destination and has led to the development of several human settlements in the city. Due to the many tourist attractions and investments in recent years, this city needs to move towards sustainable tourism development. However, due to the natural hazards caused by floods in this region and the creation of environmental hazards due to tourism development, it is necessary to pay attention to increasing social resilience in this city and taking advantage of its benefits for sustainable tourism development in Mahmudabad. According to this necessity, in the present study, the main question of the research is posed as follows:
-What effect do the social components of urban resilience have on the sustainable tourism development in the city of Mahmudabad?
The present study is part of applied and descriptive-analytical researches in terms of purpose and method, respectively. Also, a questionnaire was used to collect information. The questions were designed using a five-point Likert scale based on strongly agree to strongly disagree. The statistical population of this study includes all experts and officials in the field of urban and tourism of Mahmudabad city and 80 employed people of Mahmudabad city municipality in 2020 and due to the small sample size, the entire statistical population was selected as a sample by census sampling method. Also, to measure the research variables, questionnaires of social dimensions of urban resilience and sustainable tourism development were used. Indicators of research questionnaires obtained from related studies and research background. Then, they were localized based on the research conditions and the studied city. In this research, in order to achieve the goals, structural equation modeling in SMART PLS software has been used.
Results and discussion
Findings showed that the social resilience of the city has a significant effect on the sustainable development of tourism. The value of the obtained t-statistic is equal to 11.248 so that this value is higher than 1.96 and the research hypothesis is confirmed, and it can be concluded that the social resilience of the city has a significant effect on the sustainable development of tourism. Also, the obtained path coefficient is equal to (β = 0.689), since the obtained path coefficient is positive, this relationship is direct. Therefore, it can be said that the social resilience of the city has a positive and significant effect on the sustainable development of tourism.
Concerning the component of institutional trust, urban social resilience has a significant effect on the sustainable development of tourism. The value of the obtained t-statistic is equal to 5.824 so that this value is higher than 1.96. Also, the obtained path coefficient is equal to (β = 0.163). The component of urban social resilience awareness has a significant effect on sustainable development. The value of obtained t-statistic is equal to 2.158 so that this value is higher than 1.96. Also, the obtained path coefficient is equal to (β = 0.194). The place attachment component of urban social resilience has a significant effect on the sustainable development of tourism. The value of obtained t-statistic is equal to 3.448 so that this value is higher than 1.96. Also, the obtained path coefficient is equal to (β = 0.222). The component of urban social resilience participation has a significant effect on sustainable tourism development. The value of the obtained t-statistic is equal to 5.999 so that this value is higher than 1.96. Also, the obtained path coefficient is equal to (β = 0.188), since the obtained path coefficient is positive for the dimensions of urban social resilience, the effect of the mentioned dimensions is direct.
The findings of the test of research hypotheses showed that the social resilience of the city has a positive effect on the sustainable development of tourism in Mahmudabad. In fact, social resilience in the touristic city of Mahmudabad has been able to contribute to the further sustainability of tourism through social preparation and strengthening the social structure of this destination. Based on the general results of this research, it can be claimed that a destination can be sustainable, creative, attractive, memorable, etc., which is a resilient destination and keeps safe residents and visitors form hazards. By setting resilience as a goal in tourism cities such as Mahmudabad, destinations can design a model by which decision-makers and stakeholders of tourism destinations, while understanding the emerging risks, take actions to achieve it, in order to prevent the vulnerability of communities and urban destinations to natural disasters. Accordingly, nowadays, the discussions and concerns about the risks and factors threatening the development of tourism systems, have received serious attention. Facing planners and activists in the tourism sector with such crises caused the inclusion of tourism development programs to become an analytical and important issue. Based on this finding, it can be said that while tourism has many positive effects and is expanding day by day, the events and dangers that threaten it need to be considered. And what is important here is that there should always be a coherent system for supporting, planning and managing tourism in times of crisis and before a crisis occurs. Especially a category such as tourism, which depends on several elements, which each of them can be irreversible and irreparable shock.


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