Keywords = sustainable development
Evaluating the role of sociological factors of the market on sustainable tourism with an emphasis on the attraction of commercial tourism in the city of Ganaveh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 October 2024


Jamshid Zendeh Bodi; Gholamreza Jafarinia; Habib Pasalarzadeh

Stakeholder perception analysis of coastal cities tourism for sustainable urban development Case study of Babolsar city

Volume 9, Issue 2, January 2023, Pages 73-86


Susan Yousef Jamali; Sadroddin Motevalli; Gholamreza Malekshahi; azita rajabi

Assessing and evaluating the tourism potential of Birjand city

Volume 7, Issue 3, November 2020, Pages 95-105


Ali Asghar Abdollahi; Moslem Ghasemi; Mehdi Moradi

Evaluation Efective Authors On satisfaction For tourist destinations The Case of coastal Cities of Boushehr province

Volume 5, Issue 3, October 2018, Pages 49-64


hosin jamali; Jila Sajadi; Mohammad Taghi Razavian; jahangir heydari